Table of Contents
How we can help you reduce costs and improve service
Are you trying to satisfy your cost / service mix by looking at only 30% of the freight service provider market? Nearly 80% of the companies we talk with do and nearly all are paying too much for freight.
Would you like to have your savings opportunity sized and a project scoped at no cost? Logistics VietShip’s team of freight consultants has identified a freight savings opportunity of between 8% and 15% for 72% of companies that we assess. We are not freight brokers. Our focus is to assist you as follows:
- Establishing your freight needs
- Determining the type of services best suited to your needs
- Assisting in sourcing suitable freight companies
- Supporting your negotiation of appropriate rate structures
Logistics VietShip’s comprehensive knowledge of freight service providers, their operations, standards and cost drivers has been built over more than 100 freight & transport contract negotiation projects. Our freight consultants have many years of experience in driving cost reduction and service improvement across all transport modes and freight types.
Let us help you find the right freight company that will provide the right service at the right cost.
Read on to learn more about our approach or if you just want someone to bounce some ideas off, feel free to contact some of our key staff directly, shown below.

Logistics VietShip’s Freight Consulting services include:
Gap Analysis
Our freight consultants often find a disconnection between current service standards and the transport services clients are using to satisfy them. Our initial focus is on verifying standards and identifying the service gaps that have evolved over time.
Transport Service Specification
Through detailed freight analysis, our consultants will produce service specifications that satisfy the needs of transport providers to produce high quality and relevant responses. This is achieved through:
- being highly prescriptive
- defining and matching operational and service standard requirements
- providing freight data of the right quantity and level of detail
- effectively bundling services to leverage the best commercial outcome
Tendering and Assessment
Logistics VietShip has significant exposure to the capabilities of a broad range of transport service providers operating in all industry sectors. This knowledge is used by the consultants to devise the best strategy for going to market and addresses such questions as:
- is it best to consolidate or use specialists?
- do we want a wide or narrow and pre-qualified set of participants?
- which set of providers represents the most flexible mix of options?
The consultants have comprehensive knowledge of market freight rates and relative competitiveness of service providers. They will ensure that the right balance of cost and service are achievable through the mix of service providers nominated for inclusion in tendering.
Logistics VietShip has a range of proven evaluation models to assist clients. These ensure the selection process is comprehensively anchored to the client’s values and standards. Logistics VietShip will participate in this process to the extent that the client prescribes.
Contract Negotiation
Logistics VietShip has a longstanding reputation in the transport service provider market for its knowledge of operational Benchmarks and cost drivers. It effectively leverages these if asked by clients to represent them in negotiations. Service providers are accustomed to responding to prescriptive tender requirements from Logistics VietShip. In fact transport providers often comment how much easier a freight tender managed by Logistics VietShip is, given the professional and open approach adopted. This approach forms a strong base for yielding a more transparent and cost-efficient outcome through the negotiation process.
Our consultants can provide and facilitate an implementation plan that ensures an effective transition. This role can be tailored to any level of support the client prescribes.